Entries by vitaegis

AAVE: Become Your Own Bank

AAVE is like a bank.. Deposit assets for staking with interest while earning MATIC, borrow against them for interest while earning MATIC. Infinite Hold for BTC, ETH, AAVE, MATIC, USDC, USDT, DAI. Video on YouTube

Decentralized Finance

DeFi 101“DeFi” stands for Decentralized Finance. It can be thought of as an ecosystem of applications and protocols that provide similar services to traditional financial institutions (ie, lending, borrowing, and accruing interests from saving, amongst others). However, there is one key difference – DeFi aims to do this in a decentralized manner with no middle […]

Virtual Age: Next Wave

The Virtual Age is the ultimate progress of information technology and knowledge-based environments into a three-dimensional virtual world. The enormous expansion of the information age along with the availability of the required tools and technologies, will bring about a fourth wave of change in the near future. There have been three waves of change in […]


Live In The Moment

There is nothing peaceful about living in the now; one never knows what will happen next, because there is no goal. Life, as such, is purposeless. There is no goal. YOU are the goal. Your dreams are giving you solace so you can stay asleep and avoid yourself. When you live in the now, one […]


You Are What You Eat

You are what you eat, you reap what you sow. People are constantly filling themselves with poison. Dead animal flesh, “preserved” frozen fruit, fruit preserves, vegetables in a can, alcohol, kombucha. I can go on and on about all of the non-perishable foods which ‘modern’ humans consume. None of these foods are fresh! None of […]


Abdominal Breathing

Tai Chi + Abdominal Breathing in the morning while drinking water to activate Pump and Flow to generate the neurotransmitter for happiness, Serotonin. 😊 #taichi #secrets #esoteric #fasting #alkaline increases energy reduces anxiety enhances endurance

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Burdock Root – Healing Herbs

Burdock is considered by many herbalists to be the best known medicinal for skin conditions (Hoffman, Moore). This herb is highly effective, gentle, and multipurpose. It promotes the flow of bile and also increases circulation to the skin. Further, it is a mild diuretic and lymphatic.15 Burdock is used widely as an alterative and blood purifier. […]

Universal Energy Molecule (ATP)

Adenosine Triphosphate is the universal energy molecule that our body uses for every action within. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a complex organic chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells, e.g. muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and chemical synthesis. Found in all forms of life, ATP is often referred to as the “molecular unit of currency” of […]

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Alkaline Non-Mucus Forming Food List Rule 1. You must only eat foods listed in the nutritional guide. Rule 2. Drink 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of water every day. Rule 3. Take supplements after eating. Rule 4. No animal products are permitted. Rule 5. No alcohol is allowed. Rule 6. Avoid wheat products and only consume the “natural-growing grains” listed in the […]

Your Second Brain: Digestion

Happiness, Serotonin Production, Gut Bacteria, Abdominal Breathing, and the way our Diet Contributes to our Overall Well-being… Serotonin is a chemical that has a wide variety of functions in the human body. It is sometimes called the happy chemical, because it contributes to wellbeing and happiness. The scientific name for serotonin is 5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT. It is mainly found […]

Electromagnetic Aura

Your body is a hydroelectric pump, so when your heart pumps blood through the body it creates an Energy Field called an Aura which is composed of electromagnetic frequencies and light. You are what you eat. So if you want to generate a light body and literally transcend the egoic mind body and become spirit. […]

Mental Illness or Spiritual Awakening?

Is mental illness the sign of a deeper psychological problem with Humans on Earth today? Is mental illness a cry for existential freedom in a system designed to keep you trapped? Mental Illness is often a result of evolving consciousness which has been stunted by a mechanical existence where society won’t allow your soul to […]

Dr. Sebi – Food List

Foods to eat Dr. Sebi’s nutrition guide details specific foods allowed on the diet, including: Fruits: apples, cantaloupe, currants, dates, figs, elderberries, papayas, berries, peaches, soft jelly coconuts, pears, plums, seeded key limes, mangoes, prickly pears, seeded melons, Latin or West Indies soursop, tamarind Vegetables: avocado, bell peppers, cactus flower, chickpeas, cucumber, dandelion greens, kale, lettuce (except iceberg), […]

Your Body is a Hydro-Electric Pump

The main reason why you should not consume acidic foods such as Meat, Dairy, Animal Products is because they are mucus-forming and they will clog your body which is a hydro-electric pump. If your lymphatic system and digestive system are clogged, they won’t function properly to remove toxic waste; and your body will never begin […]

Alkaline Energy

When you consume mostly plant-based foods, you will have more energy. Acidic foods create mucus which clogs your system. The entire human body is a hydroelectric pump and 75% of the body is made of water. The unimpeded flow of fluid throughout your body is what creates your energy. The skin is the largest organ […]

Welcome to Vitaegis!

Vitaegis is all about helping you to become more healthy and happy! We utilize wisdom from ancient spiritual traditions combined with modern technological advancements. The human body is a hydro electric pump and computers were designed after the human mind. In order to send a signal to connect with nature, it requires life energy. The […]