AAVE is like a bank.. Deposit assets for staking with interest while earning MATIC, borrow against them for interest while earning MATIC. Infinite Hold for BTC, ETH, AAVE, MATIC, USDC, USDT, DAI.
https://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.png00vitaegishttps://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.pngvitaegis2021-06-11 15:30:022021-06-11 15:30:03AAVE: Become Your Own Bank
DeFi 101 “DeFi” stands for Decentralized Finance. It can be thought of as an ecosystem of applications and protocols that provide similar services to traditional financial institutions (ie, lending, borrowing, and accruing interests from saving, amongst others). However, there is one key difference – DeFi aims to do this in a decentralized manner with no middle man.
That means no banks taking a cut of your potential returns or providing you with negative interest rates. That also means no central point of failure where the entire system could collapse, or be subjected to a set of rules decided and implemented by a small group with concentrated power.
At the time of writing (The Total Value Locked in Defi stands at 14.24B USD.)
The Virtual Age is the ultimate progress of information technology and knowledge-based environments into a three-dimensional virtual world. The enormous expansion of the information age along with the availability of the required tools and technologies, will bring about a fourth wave of change in the near future. There have been three waves of change in the history of human progress: The Agricultural Age, The Industrial Age, and the Information Age. The Fourth Wave of change, or the Virtual Age will create a new era i which most aspects of every day life and world affairs will become Virtual. Virtual Age is an umbrella, which empowers anywhere, anytime, anyone interactions defying the existing time and space limitations we encounter today. The possibilities are endless, for instance; virtual commerce, virtual banking, virtual learning, virtual government, virtual work office, virtual corporations, and so on. Much higher speed CPU’s, high speed media transmission via larger bandwidths, huge capacities of memory and sophisticated real-time virtual reality software are needed to power us into the Virtual Age. At the present rate of progress, it is projected that hardware and software limitations will be overcome within about two decades allowing the coming of the Virtual Age.
There is nothing peaceful about living in the now; one never knows what will happen next, because there is no goal. Life, as such, is purposeless. There is no goal. YOU are the goal. Your dreams are giving you solace so you can stay asleep and avoid yourself. When you live in the now, one has to be alert! Who knows what is coming next? But that is the joy of living moment to moment, it’s always a surprise. Your dreams and your desires are the cause of all of your misery and suffering because even if you get, then what? Another goal. It never ends. You are perfect as you are. There is no where to go. The flower exists within the seed. The seed doesn’t know what it will become necessarily, but it is already predestined to be a beautiful flower. All one can do is wait… the rain will come, storms, the sun will rise and set… but all of those things are what makes the flower beautiful. You are already that which you are trying to be!
https://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.png00vitaegishttps://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.pngvitaegis2020-02-19 07:55:552020-02-19 07:59:47Live In The Moment
You are what you eat, you reap what you sow. People are constantly filling themselves with poison. Dead animal flesh, “preserved” frozen fruit, fruit preserves, vegetables in a can, alcohol, kombucha. I can go on and on about all of the non-perishable foods which ‘modern’ humans consume. None of these foods are fresh! None of these stored foods contain any nutrition because their half-life has deteriorated at the molecular level. The last thing someone wants to consume is something fresh! They always want chips from a bag, drinks from a bottle, fruit from a jar. People wonder why mental illness and obesity is at an all time. If you only eat dead things and old things, of course you will be depressed, of course you will be closer to death. Because you’re consuming death!
We have to consider all of the ways that humans absorb energy from the environment and how they produce energy from within, but the important thing to remember is that all life begins from without and the rebirth of yourself starts within.
The ways that we absorb energy from the environment are from the sun, through the skin, which is the largest organ in the human body. Breathing Oxygen from the Air, through the Lungs. Fresh spring water is highly electric with charged Hydrogen and Oxygen Molecules. Consuming Food and digesting it through the gastrointestinal system. Coincidentally, all of the ways we absorb energy… are the same ways that the body detoxifies itself. Therefore, solar energy from the Sun is of extreme import; Fresh air from oxygen generating plants is also in high demand; As well as making sure that we ONLY consume Fresh Spring Water, Vitaqua. Alcohol and Sugary beverages that contain high fructose corn syrup are to be totally avoided!!! They are acidic to the physiology of the human body and will cause our pH to become imbalanced interrupting Homeostasis causes excess stress on our internal organs and decreasing their efficiency.
Each process utilizes Life Energy, whether it be sexual or spiritual energy. The same energy people waste in sexual activity can be used for the process of spiritual rebirth. Transcend the mind and body to realize your soul. The crystallization of our souls requires much energy, so we need to consume energy in the most efficient manner possible.
If you want to live, EAT LIFE. Breathe the Sun! Eat the Air! Drink Fruits! Eat Veggies! You are what you eat!
https://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/food.jpg640640vitaegishttps://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.pngvitaegis2020-01-16 21:02:482020-01-18 05:57:47You Are What You Eat
Tai Chi + Abdominal Breathing in the morning while drinking water to activate Pump and Flow to generate the neurotransmitter for happiness, Serotonin. 😊 #taichi#secrets#esoteric#fasting#alkaline
https://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.png00vitaegishttps://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.pngvitaegis2019-12-24 16:54:142019-12-24 16:54:16Life is more than merely staying alive...
Burdock is considered by many herbalists to be the best known medicinal for skin conditions (Hoffman, Moore). This herb is highly effective, gentle, and multipurpose. It promotes the flow of bile and also increases circulation to the skin. Further, it is a mild diuretic and lymphatic.15 Burdock is used widely as an alterative and blood purifier. The leaves can be made into a fresh poultice to soothe poison oak and poison ivy and a leaf decoction makes a therapeutic wash for the skin. Burdock Root also strengthens the lungs and cleanses the blood and detoxifies the liver. Great for Acne and other skin conditions such as psoriasis
It is known to balance internal heat, is specifically helpful for supporting skin health, and is associated with lung and stomach meridians. It is considered energetically cold and having a slippery consistency that soothes mucus membranes. The root is also commonly cooked in order to change its energetic properties and specifically to make it easier to digest.2 In European folk medicine, an infusion or decoction of the seeds was employed as a diuretic. It was helpful in enhancing health through supporting digestion, and as topical poultice.
https://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.png00vitaegishttps://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.pngvitaegis2019-12-11 06:34:502019-12-11 06:48:08Are You Feeling SAD? (Vitamin D + B12)
Adenosine Triphosphate is the universal energy molecule that our body uses for every action within.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a complex organic chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells, e.g. muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and chemical synthesis. Found in all forms of life, ATP is often referred to as the “molecular unit of currency” of intracellular energy transfer.[2] When consumed in metabolic processes, it converts either to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or to adenosine monophosphate (AMP). Other processes regenerate ATP so that the human body recycles its own body weight equivalent in ATP each day.[3] It is also a precursor to DNA and RNA, and is used as a coenzyme.
Aerobic respiration requires oxygen (O2) in order to create ATP.
Happiness, Serotonin Production, Gut Bacteria, Abdominal Breathing, and the way our Diet Contributes to our Overall Well-being…
Serotonin is a chemical that has a wide variety of functions in the human body. It is sometimes called the happy chemical, because it contributes to wellbeing and happiness. The scientific name for serotonin is 5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT. It is mainly found in the brain, bowels, and blood platelets.
Our modern day diet has become so nutritionally deficient due to people not eating Fresh Foods. People would rather eat something that has been destroyed over time with preservatives. Many Humans on Earth now eat decomposing animal flesh exclusively rather than a fresh fruit and vegetable diet. Even if they do decide to eat Fruit or Vegetables, it is almost never fresh; you can always expect it to be Frozen or Preserved in a Toxic Metal Can.
When people use the comfortable Toilets which modern luxury has created, it is such an unnatural way to sit and expel waste from the body that a majority of it becomes stuck in our intestines Blocking our digestive tract.
Also, we so commonly consume alcoholic beverages which diminishes our body’s natural ability to digest foods. However, the alcohol is supposed to break down the rotting flesh inside of us. It ends up dehydrating our intestinal walls causing our body to not only absorb less nutrients, but our entire organism suffers from alcohol poisoning.
All of these aforementioned circumstances contribute to reduced nutrient absorption, less Life Energy, and your body needs to work overtime to get rid of all the toxic waste. While your body is operating on Negative Energy Levels, people are also working 80 hours per week with reduced sleep and rest. This causes the Life Force Energy within the body to deteriorate rapidly, oftentimes leading to impotence.
The reduced capacity for digestion impacts all bodily processes. So much so, that humans today cannot be aware of what ills await them. This reduced awareness goes lower and lower until they cannot think at all.
Therefore, they are constantly bombarded with advertisements on the television and the internet which are full of lies and clever advertising to get them to buy a product which is plainly not good for them whatsoever. However, they have been so deeply brain washed that they will consume anything which has a striking appearance.
People have become so superficial, that they have no substance and they only care about what looks nice externally.
However, there are very real consequences associated with this lack of awareness and it’s only getting worse.
Your body is a hydroelectric pump, so when your heart pumps blood through the body it creates an Energy Field called an Aura which is composed of electromagnetic frequencies and light. You are what you eat. So if you want to generate a light body and literally transcend the egoic mind body and become spirit. It is important that you consume foods which are closest to the Earth’s main energy source, the Sun. Fruits and Vegetables are ideal foods to create an alkaline energy body mind composed of pure light. Which will allow the electricity of Neurotransmitters within your mind to spark rapidly increasing your thoughts and reaction time to lightning speeds. Breathe in the charged oxygen molecules, absorb the ultraviolet rays from the solar energy of the Sun, smell the aromatherapy vibrations of flowers, be aware of all of the life energy around us and appreciate it. Learn to love yourself. You are it! Chi energy is all around us. The universe is all Electromagnetic Vibrations, tune in! Relax and find peace and harmony within. Become one with nature. Raise your energy, enhance your aura, change your life…
Is mental illness the sign of a deeper psychological problem with Humans on Earth today? Is mental illness a cry for existential freedom in a system designed to keep you trapped? Mental Illness is often a result of evolving consciousness which has been stunted by a mechanical existence where society won’t allow your soul to be free. Society at large is stuck in a vicious cycle of holding humanity back. Because only a few people actually break free from this Social Sickness, no one wants you to become wise. When you become wise, other people begin to realize that they are not… And this exhibits a major issue for the Ego who is happily enslaved in spiritual poverty. Those with desires are left desperately wanting more and those who are content with reality are endowed with Eternal Life, Wisdom, Consciousness, Energy, Bliss….
https://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.png00vitaegishttps://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.pngvitaegis2019-10-09 04:25:182019-10-09 04:25:20Dr. Sebi - Food List
The main reason why you should not consume acidic foods such as Meat, Dairy, Animal Products is because they are mucus-forming and they will clog your body which is a hydro-electric pump. If your lymphatic system and digestive system are clogged, they won’t function properly to remove toxic waste; and your body will never begin to heal until you are fully detoxified. When your body is full of toxins and acidic, the electrons in your nervous system won’t fire electrical signals rapidly in your brain because you are not operating at the proper homeostasis level. Your pH balance will be off. However, if you consume fruits and vegetables and drink spring water with key limes in it, your body will become more alkaline and it will be easier to maintain homeostasis which allows all of your organs to function properly. This will result in increased energy levels, feeling lighter, more in tune with your surroundings and much more… Stay charged!
https://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.png00vitaegishttps://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.pngvitaegis2019-10-04 15:36:262019-10-04 15:49:31Your Body is a Hydro-Electric Pump
https://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.png00vitaegishttps://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.pngvitaegis2019-09-28 14:27:172019-09-28 17:12:07Daily Routine for Second Brain Serotonin Production in the Gut (Happiness 101)
When you consume mostly plant-based foods, you will have more energy. Acidic foods create mucus which clogs your system. The entire human body is a hydroelectric pump and 75% of the body is made of water. The unimpeded flow of fluid throughout your body is what creates your energy. The skin is the largest organ on the human body and we mostly get our energy from Ultraviolet Radiation from the Sun. We also get energy from drinking water, as I’ve already described in the chapter entitled “The Body is a Hydroelectric Pump.” Another place to obtain energy is from Minerals. Gemstones, plants, animals, humans: all have particular levels of consciousness and energy, respectively. The best place to obtain energy for humans is plants: herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Because they get their energy directly from the sun. Alternatively, if you consume animal products; they also get their energy directly from plants. So if you want to be more efficient, wouldn’t you want to cut out the middle-man and go straight to the source?
https://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.png00vitaegishttps://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.pngvitaegis2019-09-15 14:06:132019-09-15 14:09:14Alkaline Energy
Vitaegis is all about helping you to become more healthy and happy! We utilize wisdom from ancient spiritual traditions combined with modern technological advancements.
The human body is a hydro electric pump and computers were designed after the human mind. In order to send a signal to connect with nature, it requires life energy. The more life energy we are able to generate, the closer we are able to connect to various life forces in deeper more meaningful ways.
https://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.png00vitaegishttps://www.vitaegis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Transperent-PNG-01-1-300x300.pngvitaegis2019-08-12 00:59:182019-10-09 04:28:53Welcome to Vitaegis!
Polygon Surpasses Binance
AAVE: Become Your Own Bank
AAVE is like a bank.. Deposit assets for staking with interest while earning MATIC, borrow against them for interest while earning MATIC. Infinite Hold for BTC, ETH, AAVE, MATIC, USDC, USDT, DAI.
Video on YouTube
Earn Free Matic using AAVE
Decentralized Finance
DeFi 101
“DeFi” stands for Decentralized Finance. It can be thought of as an ecosystem of applications and protocols that provide similar services to traditional financial institutions (ie, lending, borrowing, and accruing interests from saving, amongst others). However, there is one key difference – DeFi aims to do this in a decentralized manner with no middle man.
That means no banks taking a cut of your potential returns or providing you with negative interest rates. That also means no central point of failure where the entire system could collapse, or be subjected to a set of rules decided and implemented by a small group with concentrated power.
At the time of writing (The Total Value Locked in Defi stands at 14.24B USD.)
Virtual Age: Next Wave
The Virtual Age is the ultimate progress of information technology and knowledge-based environments into a three-dimensional virtual world. The enormous expansion of the information age along with the availability of the required tools and technologies, will bring about a fourth wave of change in the near future. There have been three waves of change in the history of human progress: The Agricultural Age, The Industrial Age, and the Information Age. The Fourth Wave of change, or the Virtual Age will create a new era i which most aspects of every day life and world affairs will become Virtual. Virtual Age is an umbrella, which empowers anywhere, anytime, anyone interactions defying the existing time and space limitations we encounter today. The possibilities are endless, for instance; virtual commerce, virtual banking, virtual learning, virtual government, virtual work office, virtual corporations, and so on. Much higher speed CPU’s, high speed media transmission via larger bandwidths, huge capacities of memory and sophisticated real-time virtual reality software are needed to power us into the Virtual Age. At the present rate of progress, it is projected that hardware and software limitations will be overcome within about two decades allowing the coming of the Virtual Age.
Live In The Moment
There is nothing peaceful about living in the now; one never knows what will happen next, because there is no goal. Life, as such, is purposeless. There is no goal. YOU are the goal. Your dreams are giving you solace so you can stay asleep and avoid yourself. When you live in the now, one has to be alert! Who knows what is coming next? But that is the joy of living moment to moment, it’s always a surprise. Your dreams and your desires are the cause of all of your misery and suffering because even if you get, then what? Another goal. It never ends. You are perfect as you are. There is no where to go. The flower exists within the seed. The seed doesn’t know what it will become necessarily, but it is already predestined to be a beautiful flower. All one can do is wait… the rain will come, storms, the sun will rise and set… but all of those things are what makes the flower beautiful. You are already that which you are trying to be!
You Are What You Eat
You are what you eat, you reap what you sow. People are constantly filling themselves with poison. Dead animal flesh, “preserved” frozen fruit, fruit preserves, vegetables in a can, alcohol, kombucha. I can go on and on about all of the non-perishable foods which ‘modern’ humans consume. None of these foods are fresh! None of these stored foods contain any nutrition because their half-life has deteriorated at the molecular level. The last thing someone wants to consume is something fresh! They always want chips from a bag, drinks from a bottle, fruit from a jar. People wonder why mental illness and obesity is at an all time. If you only eat dead things and old things, of course you will be depressed, of course you will be closer to death. Because you’re consuming death!
We have to consider all of the ways that humans absorb energy from the environment and how they produce energy from within, but the important thing to remember is that all life begins from without and the rebirth of yourself starts within.
The ways that we absorb energy from the environment are from the sun, through the skin, which is the largest organ in the human body. Breathing Oxygen from the Air, through the Lungs. Fresh spring water is highly electric with charged Hydrogen and Oxygen Molecules. Consuming Food and digesting it through the gastrointestinal system. Coincidentally, all of the ways we absorb energy… are the same ways that the body detoxifies itself. Therefore, solar energy from the Sun is of extreme import; Fresh air from oxygen generating plants is also in high demand; As well as making sure that we ONLY consume Fresh Spring Water, Vitaqua. Alcohol and Sugary beverages that contain high fructose corn syrup are to be totally avoided!!! They are acidic to the physiology of the human body and will cause our pH to become imbalanced interrupting Homeostasis causes excess stress on our internal organs and decreasing their efficiency.
Each process utilizes Life Energy, whether it be sexual or spiritual energy. The same energy people waste in sexual activity can be used for the process of spiritual rebirth. Transcend the mind and body to realize your soul. The crystallization of our souls requires much energy, so we need to consume energy in the most efficient manner possible.
If you want to live, EAT LIFE. Breathe the Sun! Eat the Air! Drink Fruits! Eat Veggies! You are what you eat!
Nitric Oxide PUMP
Abdominal Breathing
Tai Chi + Abdominal Breathing in the morning while drinking water to activate Pump and Flow to generate the neurotransmitter for happiness, Serotonin. 😊 #taichi #secrets #esoteric #fasting #alkaline
Life is more than merely staying alive…
Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Life is more than merely staying alive…
Burdock Root – Healing Herbs
Burdock is considered by many herbalists to be the best known medicinal for skin conditions (Hoffman, Moore). This herb is highly effective, gentle, and multipurpose. It promotes the flow of bile and also increases circulation to the skin. Further, it is a mild diuretic and lymphatic.15 Burdock is used widely as an alterative and blood purifier. The leaves can be made into a fresh poultice to soothe poison oak and poison ivy and a leaf decoction makes a therapeutic wash for the skin. Burdock Root also strengthens the lungs and cleanses the blood and detoxifies the liver. Great for Acne and other skin conditions such as psoriasis
It is known to balance internal heat, is specifically helpful for supporting skin health, and is associated with lung and stomach meridians. It is considered energetically cold and having a slippery consistency that soothes mucus membranes. The root is also commonly cooked in order to change its energetic properties and specifically to make it easier to digest.2 In European folk medicine, an infusion or decoction of the seeds was employed as a diuretic. It was helpful in enhancing health through supporting digestion, and as topical poultice.
Nitric Oxide Dump
For maximum energy generation and powerful muscle contractions, combine these exercises with L-Arginine and Creatine…. Yohimbe and Maca Root Powder.
Are You Feeling SAD? (Vitamin D + B12)
Nutritional Supplements
Creatine Monohydrate
N Acetyl Cysteine
Acetyl L Carnitine
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Ubiquinol + PQQ
Vitamin D
Universal Energy Molecule (ATP)
Adenosine Triphosphate is the universal energy molecule that our body uses for every action within.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a complex organic chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells, e.g. muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and chemical synthesis. Found in all forms of life, ATP is often referred to as the “molecular unit of currency” of intracellular energy transfer.[2] When consumed in metabolic processes, it converts either to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or to adenosine monophosphate (AMP). Other processes regenerate ATP so that the human body recycles its own body weight equivalent in ATP each day.[3] It is also a precursor to DNA and RNA, and is used as a coenzyme.
Aerobic respiration requires oxygen (O2) in order to create ATP.
Alkaline Non-Mucus Forming Food List
Nuts + Seeds
Spices & Seasonings
Mind Resonance: Binaural Beats
Your Second Brain: Digestion
Happiness, Serotonin Production, Gut Bacteria, Abdominal Breathing, and the way our Diet Contributes to our Overall Well-being…
Serotonin is a chemical that has a wide variety of functions in the human body. It is sometimes called the happy chemical, because it contributes to wellbeing and happiness. The scientific name for serotonin is 5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT. It is mainly found in the brain, bowels, and blood platelets.
Our modern day diet has become so nutritionally deficient due to people not eating Fresh Foods. People would rather eat something that has been destroyed over time with preservatives. Many Humans on Earth now eat decomposing animal flesh exclusively rather than a fresh fruit and vegetable diet. Even if they do decide to eat Fruit or Vegetables, it is almost never fresh; you can always expect it to be Frozen or Preserved in a Toxic Metal Can.
When people use the comfortable Toilets which modern luxury has created, it is such an unnatural way to sit and expel waste from the body that a majority of it becomes stuck in our intestines Blocking our digestive tract.
Also, we so commonly consume alcoholic beverages which diminishes our body’s natural ability to digest foods. However, the alcohol is supposed to break down the rotting flesh inside of us. It ends up dehydrating our intestinal walls causing our body to not only absorb less nutrients, but our entire organism suffers from alcohol poisoning.
All of these aforementioned circumstances contribute to reduced nutrient absorption, less Life Energy, and your body needs to work overtime to get rid of all the toxic waste. While your body is operating on Negative Energy Levels, people are also working 80 hours per week with reduced sleep and rest. This causes the Life Force Energy within the body to deteriorate rapidly, oftentimes leading to impotence.
The reduced capacity for digestion impacts all bodily processes. So much so, that humans today cannot be aware of what ills await them. This reduced awareness goes lower and lower until they cannot think at all.
Therefore, they are constantly bombarded with advertisements on the television and the internet which are full of lies and clever advertising to get them to buy a product which is plainly not good for them whatsoever. However, they have been so deeply brain washed that they will consume anything which has a striking appearance.
People have become so superficial, that they have no substance and they only care about what looks nice externally.
However, there are very real consequences associated with this lack of awareness and it’s only getting worse.
Electromagnetic Aura
Your body is a hydroelectric pump, so when your heart pumps blood through the body it creates an Energy Field called an Aura which is composed of electromagnetic frequencies and light. You are what you eat. So if you want to generate a light body and literally transcend the egoic mind body and become spirit. It is important that you consume foods which are closest to the Earth’s main energy source, the Sun. Fruits and Vegetables are ideal foods to create an alkaline energy body mind composed of pure light. Which will allow the electricity of Neurotransmitters within your mind to spark rapidly increasing your thoughts and reaction time to lightning speeds. Breathe in the charged oxygen molecules, absorb the ultraviolet rays from the solar energy of the Sun, smell the aromatherapy vibrations of flowers, be aware of all of the life energy around us and appreciate it. Learn to love yourself. You are it! Chi energy is all around us. The universe is all Electromagnetic Vibrations, tune in! Relax and find peace and harmony within. Become one with nature. Raise your energy, enhance your aura, change your life…
Mental Illness or Spiritual Awakening?
Is mental illness the sign of a deeper psychological problem with Humans on Earth today? Is mental illness a cry for existential freedom in a system designed to keep you trapped? Mental Illness is often a result of evolving consciousness which has been stunted by a mechanical existence where society won’t allow your soul to be free. Society at large is stuck in a vicious cycle of holding humanity back. Because only a few people actually break free from this Social Sickness, no one wants you to become wise. When you become wise, other people begin to realize that they are not… And this exhibits a major issue for the Ego who is happily enslaved in spiritual poverty. Those with desires are left desperately wanting more and those who are content with reality are endowed with Eternal Life, Wisdom, Consciousness, Energy, Bliss….
Dr. Sebi – Food List
Foods to eat
Dr. Sebi’s nutrition guide details specific foods allowed on the diet, including:
Foods to avoid
Any foods that are not included in the Dr. Sebi nutrition guide are not permitted, such as:
Raw Alkaline Vegan Eating (RAVE)
Avoid Acidic Mucus Causing Foods
Your Body is a Hydro-Electric Pump
The main reason why you should not consume acidic foods such as Meat, Dairy, Animal Products is because they are mucus-forming and they will clog your body which is a hydro-electric pump. If your lymphatic system and digestive system are clogged, they won’t function properly to remove toxic waste; and your body will never begin to heal until you are fully detoxified. When your body is full of toxins and acidic, the electrons in your nervous system won’t fire electrical signals rapidly in your brain because you are not operating at the proper homeostasis level. Your pH balance will be off. However, if you consume fruits and vegetables and drink spring water with key limes in it, your body will become more alkaline and it will be easier to maintain homeostasis which allows all of your organs to function properly. This will result in increased energy levels, feeling lighter, more in tune with your surroundings and much more… Stay charged!
Daily Routine for Second Brain Serotonin Production in the Gut (Happiness 101)
Wake up at Dawn
Abdominal Breathing to jump-start the intestinal system
Internal Organ Massage
Drink 16 ounces of water
Tai Chi Energy Cultivation with the Navel
Kundalini Yoga Stretching with emphasis on Spinal Flexibility from head to toe
Morning Run outside in the Solar Energy with Fresh Air
Sauna, Steam Room, Jacuzzi: Sweat out all toxins…
Swim in Pool
Sauna, Relax…
Fruit (two types)
Herbal Relaxation (Lavender, Eucalyptus)
STEAMED VEGGIES (NO STARCHES: No potatoes or rice… they are complex carbohydrates and clog your system)
Party (music, dancing)
Alkaline Energy
When you consume mostly plant-based foods, you will have more energy. Acidic foods create mucus which clogs your system. The entire human body is a hydroelectric pump and 75% of the body is made of water. The unimpeded flow of fluid throughout your body is what creates your energy. The skin is the largest organ on the human body and we mostly get our energy from Ultraviolet Radiation from the Sun. We also get energy from drinking water, as I’ve already described in the chapter entitled “The Body is a Hydroelectric Pump.” Another place to obtain energy is from Minerals. Gemstones, plants, animals, humans: all have particular levels of consciousness and energy, respectively. The best place to obtain energy for humans is plants: herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Because they get their energy directly from the sun. Alternatively, if you consume animal products; they also get their energy directly from plants. So if you want to be more efficient, wouldn’t you want to cut out the middle-man and go straight to the source?
Welcome to Vitaegis!
Vitaegis is all about helping you to become more healthy and happy! We utilize wisdom from ancient spiritual traditions combined with modern technological advancements.
The human body is a hydro electric pump and computers were designed after the human mind. In order to send a signal to connect with nature, it requires life energy. The more life energy we are able to generate, the closer we are able to connect to various life forces in deeper more meaningful ways.